For the Record...

When Mom and Dad got married, Dad had been keeping a daily record book that he had started January 1st, 1935. Mom began helping him write this record. Soon she did all the writing, but they continued to confer on what was written in the book.

The early daily journals were written in the Farm Business Record Books distributed by International Harvester Co. Dad had found these record books when he and Mom attended the Chicago World’s Fair in 1934. When the Farm Business Record Books were no longer available, Mom would simply rule off pages in a spiral bound notebook - one month would be two pages with horizontal lines drawn to divide the paper into 30-31 spaces. The daily entries were brief - what they did that day and perhaps the weather, occasionally some national or local news might be entered. The next couple pages after each month’s journal were used for bookkeeping - recording farm and household expenses and income.

This daily record book has been kept from January 1st, 1935 until the present time as she enjoys life at the Pines Assisted Living facility in Jackson, Minnesota. Many times Mom’s daily record book has provided the answer to someone’s question or settled a family discussion! Thus, For the Record... was chosen as the title of this book.

As many of you know, the Ringkobs were also “picture takers” - snapshots, slides, and movies. Mom’s family photo albums and scrapbooks were a wonderful resource in putting this book together.
In addition, information about our ancestry was gleaned from family history books that Mom wrote in the 1970’s.

The first and last part of this book was written by Marita. She gathered information from the above mentioned sources plus visiting with Mom and asking her questions. The rest of the sections were written by Tom, Kent, and Kathy with the author listed by each section.

We hope you will enjoy reading about our memories of growing up in the Tom Ringkob family.

For the Record... was completed and printed during the summer of 2010.

So what must you first know about these two people - Esther and Tom - that we were blessed to have as parents? They began their married life against the backdrop of the Great Depression, the biggest downturn in history, and with World War II, the Great War, raging overseas. They tragically lost their first child. But they saw quick and important changes - electricity, mechanical farming, and a family of four children by the end of the 40’s.

One can only marvel at Esther and Tom’s unquestionable optimistic view of the future. For all of us, there are some very important lessons to be learned - lessons of courage, tenacity and faith.

We dedicate this book to you, Mom and Dad, with our love and thanks.

Tom, Kent, Kathy and Marita

Her mother, Hannah (Minnie) Elemina Olson

Esther’s mother, Hannah Elemina Olson was born on July 11, 1883, near Rochelle, Illinois in a farm home. Hannah was the oldest child of Andrew and Anna Olson who were married on October 3, 1881 in Rockford, Illinois.

Hannah (Minnie) Olson (1883 - 1965)

Hannah’s father, Andrew Peter Olson (Anders Petter Olafson) was born on August 8, 1848. Anders lived with his parents on a farm near Varberg, Sweden. He was confirmed in Rya, Sweden, on August 23, 1863. His father raised fine horses and Anders helped to herd sheep on the hillsides. He loved music and liked to sing and yodel. One night the horses were stolen, causing hardship for the family. Neighbors and friends urged Anders to work for the government, but he decided to come to America. Friends of the family, Walter Erickson’s parents, loaned Anders money that he later paid back to come to America.

Hannah’s mother, Anna Johanna Carlson was born on May 11, 1855. She also lived with her parents and siblings on a farm near Varberg, Sweden. Anna was confirmed on August 8, 1869 in Weadige, Sweden. The Carlson family was considered fairly “well-to-do”, according to the standards of that time. They had a farm and were responsible for giving food, grain, and seed to the poor. When Anna was eight years old, her father was killed by robbers who mistook him for someone else. Her mother was devastated and had three young children. But she was a resourceful person and used her artistic ability to design needlework, which she sold to help the family income. After Anna’s oldest brother Andrew came to America in 1879, Anna, her mother, and her brother John decided to come to America, too.

Anna, John, and their mother, Johanna Carlson, came to America by boat in the summer of 1880. On this same boat from Sweden was a young man named Anders Olafson. His name was changed to Andrew Peter Olson in America. When they arrived in America, Andrew Olson and the Carlsons came by train to Rochelle, Illinois, where they found employment. Andrew found work as a hired man on a farm. He worked until he had saved enough money to buy some machinery and livestock, so he could rent a farm. At this same time, Anna Carlson was working as a hired girl for a neighbor. She saved her money and earned enough to bring home four wooden caned chairs. She carried them home, one at a time, across the fields.

Esther’s grandparents, Andrew Olson and Anna Carlson, were married on October 3, 1881, at Rockford, Illinois. He was 33 years old and she was 26 years old. After their marriage, they lived on a rented farm near Rochelle, Illinois. Their seven children were all born in Illinois. Their oldest, Hannah (Minnie) Wilhelmina, Esther’s mother, was born near Flag Center, Ogle County, Illinois, on July 11, 1883. She was baptized on September 1, 1883, by Rev. G. Peters, pastor of the Swedish Lutheran Church in Rockford, Illinois. When the neighbor’s daughter Minnie died, they missed her so much that they started calling Hannah “Minnie”.

The Olson family prospered in Illinois. The family worked together caring for the livestock and working in the fields. The children all graduated from eighth grade. Minnie was encouraged to become a teacher but she felt she was needed at home to care for her younger siblings and help her father on the farm.

Since her dad loved music, he bought an organ when his children were old enough to take lessons. A music teacher came to their home and gave Minnie around eighty lessons. Minnie then taught her younger sister, Alma. Later Andrew purchased a piano-organ. Minnie and Alma also took lessons in sewing or dressmaking. Later they were able to use this skill to make their own wedding dresses – dresses trimmed with tucks and lace.

Since Andrew and Anna Olson wanted a home and farm of their own, they decided to investigate the option of moving to Minnesota because the price of land in Illinois had risen so much. Anna’s two brothers had purchased Minnesota land and moved in 1899 and 1901. Andrew purchased 320 acres of land near Alpha, Minnesota. He paid $32 per acre and they moved to this farm by train in 1902. Minnie remembers leaving a spinning wheel on the platform at the depot because there was no room in the railroad car. They did take the piano-organ!

The Minnesota farm was good black soil, but there were low wet spots in rainy seasons. Tiling was done later by hired help – men digging the tile ditches by hand and laying the tile. The buildings on the farm were old but adequate until they were able to build new buildings. Many trees were planted to provide shelter and also to provide firewood to heat the house. They raised crops of oats, corn, and hay besides having pasture for the livestock. Horses were used in field work and for transportation – pulling wagon or buggy. -Marita

Emma Olson, Henry & Alma Petersen, Eva Olson,
Alvina & Arthur Petersen, Minnie & Peter Hansen, Emil Olson


The Olson-Carlson family reunions were held in the Jackson area from 1937-1999. During the years when there were a lot of children attending, the reunions were often held in the Minnewaukon area by Spirit Lake, south of Jackson. The get-togethers were usually held in June with a potluck dinner of delicious food followed by an afternoon of visiting, swimming and playing games – always a fun day.

Her father, Peter J. Hansen

Esther’s father, Peter J. Hansen, was born on May 12, 1878 in Steward, near Rochelle, Illinois. He was the first son of his parents, Jacob and Petrina Hansen, who had come from Denmark the previous year. Jacob “worked his way over” on a slow potato boat, across the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Jacob was 21 years old and was accompanied by an uncle, John Larson. They started out in February 1877, and the trip took five weeks before docking in Philadelphia. In May, 1877, Petrina Jorgensen left Denmark with her mother and sister, and came to America.

Jacob Hansen and Petrina Jorgensen had not known each other in Denmark. Jacob was born near Odense on the island of Fyn, Denmark, on December 1, 1855. Petrina was born in Denmark on January 18, 1859. However, after they came to America in 1877, they both settled near Steward, Illinois. They worked as hired help on neighboring farms and thus became acquainted. On November 12, 1877, three couples were married by a preacher from Chicago. One of those couples was Jacob and Petrina Hansen. Jacob and Petrina had nine children all born in Illinois between 1878 and 1895.

In 1891, they moved seven miles to another farm they rented near Rochelle, Illinois. They had a large house and the farm consisted of 420 acres, which was farmed by using horses to pull machinery – sometimes owning 20 horses at a time. In 1893, Jacob and Petrina went to the World’s Fair in Chicago, taking the baby along but leaving the other seven children with Grandma Jorgensen. The story is that Charlie got tired of braiding Hannah’s long hair, so he took a scissors and cut off the long braids! Grandma Jorgensen (Petrina’s mother) lived with the Hansen family until her death in May 1898.

Peter J. Hansen (1878 - 1967)

Esther’s father, Peter J. Hansen, was a good “horse man”, being conscientious in caring for the horses. Pete received his formal education in Illinois and was considered a good student. At the church they attended, Pete met a young Swedish girl, Hannah (Minnie) Olson, and he took care of her horse when she arrived at church. However, the Olson family left Illinois in 1902 and moved to land they had purchased near Alpha, Minnesota. Pete said good-bye to Minnie and they promised to exchange letters.
Jacob & Petrina Hansen and their nine children (1902)

The Hansens left Illinois in 1905 and moved to Iowa. Before moving, they had a sale to reduce their inventory but they still shipped three carloads of stuff by train to Havelock, Iowa. Keep in mind, that by now they had two steam engines, two corn shellers, two threshing machines, and one saw mill plus their large family.

The land they purchased in Iowa near Havelock was very wet but was level black soil that produced good crops when tiled. However, the damp climate in Iowa was hard on Petrina and she died in 1907 from asthma at the age of 48. Lawrence, the youngest child, was 12 years old at the time of her death and Pete, the oldest of the nine children, was 29 years old. Guess who came to the funeral? Hannah (Minnie) Olson, Pete’s friend from Illinois. As you recall, the Olson family had moved to Minnesota in 1902. Minnie happened to be visiting a friend, Bertha Maltzahn in Havelock. The Maltzahn family was going to the funeral and Minnie went along. Thankfully, Pete and Minnie’s friendship was renewed. Although over 50 miles separated Minnie who lived near Alpha, Minnesota, and Pete who lived near Havelock, Iowa, their relationship must have thrived. Pete and Minnie were married on December 29, 1909, at the bride’s parent’s home – seven years after they parted in Illinois when Minnie’s family moved to Minnesota.

The Hansen Family Renions were held in a park in the Emmetsburg, Iowa, area from 1926-1989 on a Sunday in July. Peter J. Hansen really enjoyed going to the reunions to see his brothers and sisters and their families – lots of good visiting and catching up on family news.

Pete & Minnie begin their married life together

After Peter J. and Hannah E. (Minnie) Hansen were married, the couple farmed in Iowa three years with Pete’s brother, Henry, and his wife, Goldie, on land rented from their father, Jacob Hansen. Their first child, Esther Pearl, was born on January 7, 1912, in a country farmhouse about five miles northwest of Havelock. The weather was severely cold at the time of her birth, 30 degrees below zero, and the doctor coming out by horse and cutter froze his hands and feet! Aunt Goldie enjoyed helping Minnie take care of the new baby. Aunt Hannah (Pete’s sister) was happy because Esther happened to be born on her birthday. When Esther was a little over two months of age, her parents took her to her Olson grandparent’s home, south of Alpha, Minnesota, to be baptized on March 21, 1912, by Rev. JH Ford from the Dunnell Swedish Lutheran Church. Her sponsors were her grandparents, Andrew and Anna Olson, and her aunt and uncle, Alma and Henry Petersen.

Esther Pearl Hansen - 6 mo. old (1912)

In 1913 when Esther was 14 months old, Pete and Minnie took four horses and a lumber wagon and drove as far as Graettinger, Iowa, the first night. The next day they drove to a farm they rented near Alpha, Minnesota. The 160 acre farm in Petersburg Township was rented from Gus Anderson, a photographer in Jackson.
At the age of three years, Esther was very ill with scarlet fever. She was quarantined with her mother in a bedroom for 4-6 weeks. During that time her mother did some beautiful hardanger embroidery to pass the time while Esther slept. Aunt Emma (Pete’s sister) came to help keep house – cooking and washing clothes.
Esther remembers her Dad bringing in the mail including a newspaper telling that the United States had entered the First World War on April 6, 1917.
On July 31, 1917, her brother, Arthur Lawrence, was born. Esther was especially happy as she told her aunt, Elizabeth Hansen, “We have a new baby and a new Buick! Why don’t you get a new baby and a new Buick?” Her parent’s first car was a 1917 – 4 cylinder Buick. Her Dad did all the driving since Minnie never learned to drive. She tried it one time and never again!
Esther started school at Petersburg Consolidated School at the age of 5 ½ years in September 1917. She didn’t know anyone at school and was quite bashful. She had good teachers at Petersburg and they let her visit with them during recess until she got acquainted with the other children. There was a spiral fire escape on the side of the school but Esther was too scared to go down it. She rode to school on a school bus pulled by horses. She was in an accident once when the bus skidded around a corner and tipped over. Several children were cut by glass but Esther was not hurt.

Esther and Arthur Hansen (1918)

Esther with her brothers, Arthur & Gordon (1921)

They lived on the Petersburg Township farm seven years and added two boys to the family. Gordon Arnold was born July 14, 1920, close to their mother’s birthday, July 11. Minnie was 37, Pete was 42, Esther was 8, and Art was almost 3 when Gordon arrived. They had saved enough money to buy a 160 acre farm two miles west of Alpha and lived there from 1920-1934. They experienced many hardships there – floods, loss of crops and livestock, depression years, and they lost the farm. Esther remembers some years when the weather was dry and their well would go dry. Her Dad would have to haul water by a team of horses and wagon from the neighbor’s well. The water was dipped by pail from his water tank to Pete’s tank on the wagon. It was very hard work – no hoses or motors to help. Pete was feeding cattle so they needed lots of water. Esther never wastes water – perhaps because water conservation was taught to her at a young age!
This farm was located next to the road that would become Highway 16. However, when they moved to the farm it was just a plain dirt road. Later the road was graded up and graveled. Then in 1931, it was paved. A big road grading outfit camped in a pasture west of their big grove with many horses.
Esther remembers once when her parents were gone to Oklahoma, she fixed supper for her younger brothers, Art and Gordon. A storm came up and they went to their storm cellar. When the storm passed and they returned to eat their supper, they found the food covered with dirt. So they threw the food away and fixed supper again!
Her parents worked very hard on this farm – farming with horses, milking several cows, and raising hogs and chickens. Esther especially remembers bringing the cows home from the pasture with the assistance of their old dog, “Shep”. She also remembers setting the hens, hatching the chicks, and feeding the chicks and hens in individual coops in the grove.
In 1925, Esther graduated from the 8th grade at District 19 country school. After leaving the Petersburg school in March 1920, she attended school in Alpha school for a year or so and then transferred to District 19 school. In Alpha, her parents would have to pay $5 a month as they did not live in the Alpha district. She remembers getting rides to school (2 ½ miles) in her Dad’s buggy, the neighbors fancy enclosed buggy, wagons, cars, and bobsleds. Usually they would take her in the morning and she would have to walk home in the evening unless the weather was very bad. After her brother, Arthur, started school in 1923, they exchanged rides with the neighbors.

Her family started attending Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Jackson in the 1920’s. Esther was confirmed on October 17, 1926 by Rev. SC Eastvold.
In 1934, her parents moved to another farm they bought north of Jackson until they retired in 1946, moving to a house in Jackson. -Marita

High school & teacher training (1925 - 1930)

After graduating from 8th grade in the spring of 1925, Esther had been begging her parents for the chance to attend high school. Fortunately she met Fern Ohlson. Fern’s parents had bought a house on the east side of Jackson near depot hill. Fern was going to high school and wanted some one to stay with her. Her parents were not moving to Jackson until later that fall after they had the harvest completed on their farm.
So Esther and Fern started their freshman year of high school cooking their own meals, walking to school, and keeping their room tidy. This was Esther’s first experience with sharing a bedroom. She was only 13 years old and found the high school subjects difficult at first. Her 8th grade preparation for high school was not as strong as some of the other students. However, she soon caught up and became a good student.
As a sophomore in 1926-1927, Esther stayed with an elderly Norwegian couple, the Kvandes, near the high school. She shared a room with Agnes Anderson and paid the Kvandes for room and board.
Jackson High School (1925-1929)

During her junior year in 1927-1928, she stayed with the Nels Nelsons in a house on the south end of Main Street in Jackson. Aslaug Ronhovde and Esther shared a room. They cooked their own meals. Aslaug’s brother, Peder, Arthur Johnson, and Jeffrey Flatgaard also stayed there. Aslaug and Esther ate with the boys but did not socialize much with them. (Aslaug and Jeffrey later married, 1939)
As a senior in 1928-1929, Esther, Aslaug, and the boys had rooms at the home of Mrs. Olena Eide during the school week and did their own cooking. They went to their parents’ homes for the weekends, weather permitting. Esther remembers her mother sewing all of her dresses through high school. Esther and Aslaug both enjoyed music. Aslaug was taking piano lessons from Mrs. Grottum. Aslaug would play the piano and they would both sing selections from the Etude in the evenings. Both Aslaug and Esther were in the high school chorus – they had a very good choir director and enjoyed being in the operettas. Esther sang the second soprano part. Math and science were Esther’s favorite subjects. She also took Latin I & II, chemistry, and 4 years of math. At the end of their senior year, they took state senior exams. Esther’s parents let her drive the family car (1917 Buick) to town on the days of the exam.

Esther Hansen High School Graduation (1929)

Because math was one of her favorite subjects, Esther would have liked to attend business school in Sioux Falls. However, to save money and be closer to home, Esther decided to attend teacher training or “Normal” school in Jackson. She shared a bedroom with Olga Nielssen at the Skarda home near the high school. They made their own meals and went home on weekends.
Esther started “Normal” school in September 1929. The teacher training classes were held in the southwest corner of the upper floor of the high school. There were 15 students and Miss Ford was the teacher. They received training for teaching all subjects kindergarten through eighth grade. Esther remembers teaching a group of “top-notch” kindergarten students at Normal school. She also went across the street to grade school and observed teachers at different grade levels. After observing the class, she was able to teach a lesson to the students. In the spring of 1930, Esther practice taught for 2 weeks in a country school – District 1, where Irene Garber was the teacher. Irene was an excellent teacher and became a good friend. Irene recommended Esther for the teaching job at District 93. Because of the Depression, several teachers did not get teaching jobs. Esther was grateful that Irene helped her get her first job. -Marita

Esther’s teaching contract (1930)
Esther taught:

District 93 – Enterprise Township, Jackson County, Minnesota
1930-31 – 8 months @ $80 per month
1931-32 – 9 months @ $85 per month
1932-33 – 9 months @ $75 per month

District 1 – Wisconsin Township, Jackson County, Minnesota
1933-34 – 9 months @ $60 per month
1934-35 – 9 months @ $65 per month

Esther Hansen driving 1917 Buick to teach in a rural country school (1930-1935)

Meeting Tom

Esther began teaching in September 1930 at District 93 School, a country school with students in grades 1-8 in one room. She lived with her parents and brothers and drove their car to school. First she drove their 1917 Buick and later a 1932 Chevrolet that she helped them purchase.

During Esther’s first year of teaching, it was a tradition at country schools to put on a Christmas program on a December evening. It was always an exciting time for the students as they prepared the plays, songs, and readings they would perform. The school would be full of people from the neighborhood to enjoy the holiday program. Miss Hansen, the teacher, wore a store purchased dress! Her mother had always sewn all her dresses. After the program, a woman Esther did not know approached her. She said, “Miss Hansen, I want you to meet my son, Tom Rinkob.” (name later changed to Ringkob)
In January 1931, Tom stopped by the school late one afternoon and asked to borrow the book, “Tom Sawyer”. When he returned it, later in January, he asked Esther if she would like to go to the movie “Tom Sawyer” in Jackson. She accepted and that was their first date. Esther remembers being impressed with Tom – he was intelligent, he liked to read and discuss things.

Thomas Rinkob (later changed to Ringkob)

In spite of the depression, they had many happy and good times. On their weekly dates, they would visit friends, attend a movie, go roller skating, or swimming. They also enjoyed attending meetings of a Literary Society that met once a month. They usually met in homes of members – other young people that enjoyed programs, debates, banquets, entertainment, lunches, and picnics.
Tom was farming the home farm plus some rented land together with his brother Freel. Early in 1931, banks were closing and people withdrew money from their accounts. Farm income was cut because of low prices. Also 1931-1934 were hot and dry years and crop yields were poor. It was a tough time to be farming – but dating the local teacher put a spring in Tom’s step.
In the spring of 1931 after teaching one year, Esther bought a piano and took eight lessons from Mrs. Grottum in the summer of 1931 – something she had always wanted to do!
In the summers of 1931-1934, Esther and 4 other girls spent a week at a Spirit Lake cottage – a fun time for the single working girls. Beach pajamas were the style!
However, times were tough in the United States. New President Franklin D. Roosevelt closed all banks in March 1933 until the banks could be checked. Farmers were told to hang on to their animals and crops until they could get better prices. After another hot and dry year that resulted in poor crops, Esther’s parents lost their farm. It was nice to be dating Tom and have someone to talk to and be reassured that there were better times ahead! -Marita

Making plans to be married

1934 was an unforgettable year for Esther. In February, she was very sick with flu (yellow jaundice) and missed a month of teaching. Her friend and mentor, Irene Garber, taught for her. In March, she helped her parents move to their new farm in Belmont township, north of Jackson. She finished her fourth year of teaching and the temperatures reached 106 degrees in Minnesota on May 31, 1934. The summer that followed was a record breaking hot summer.

1934 also contained a couple of trips for Esther. In July, she and three of her girlfriends went on a week’s trip to the Black Hills. Esther drove her parent’s 1932 Chevrolet and they stayed in tourist cabins and cooked their own meals. In August, she went to Chicago and the World’s Fair. Tom took his mother and Auntie Bea Salisbury. He asked Esther to drive Bea’s new car to Chicago as Bea was on her way to Pennsylvania and unsure of driving in Chicago. Esther had actually been to Chicago the summer before and spent over three weeks with friends and had been to the World’s Fair then. That time she traveled to Chicago by train with her aunt and uncle, Alma and Henry Petersen.

Esther started her fifth year teaching in the fall of 1934. She continued living with her parents and driving to school – she took her brother Arthur to high school in town before going to her school to teach. But the exciting news that fall was that Tom bought a 160 acre farm in Enterprise township and they could make plans for marriage!

Tom farmed the home place with Freel until March of 1935. During the winter, he attended farm sales and bought some machinery and tools. He also worked on the house on his new farm – put a clothes closet in the bedroom upstairs, got a soft coal heater from his brother George for the dining room, bought a cook stove, and his mother and Auntie Eliza put up some curtains. Tom and the hired help hauled hay and grain and livestock to his new farm in mid-March. On March 31, 1935, Esther had dinner with Tom and his mother in the house at the new farm – their future home! In April, Tom and the hired men planted 1000 Colorado blue spruce trees and 600 Chinese elms – any Minnesota farmstead needs a good grove. He also planted barley, oats, and flax in some of his new fields and seeded grass in the new lawn.

Esther finished her last year of teaching the end of May and her brother, Arthur, graduated from Jackson High School. Tom was busy planting corn and soybeans with a team of horses (Fred and Barney) and then cultivating the crops three times to keep the weeds down.

In June, Esther took one last trip with girlfriends to the Wisconsin Dells and Red Wing, Minnesota, area. Tom kept busy on the new farm – grading up the lane to the road in preparation for putting gravel on it in the fall. He also shipped some cattle and hogs to Chicago and put up hay.

In July the barley and oats were shocked. On a hot Saturday evening, July 27th, Esther and Tom went to Fairmont and picked out a diamond engagement ring!

August arrived and it was time to thresh the oats. Tom’s brother Freel was married to Neva on August 14th. Tom was the best man.

September, Esther was busy getting ready for the wedding and Tom kept busy on the farm. Tom’s mother was very sick (nervous breakdown) the end of September and was in bed at George and Ella’s home. They felt bad that she was not going to be able to attend their wedding in a few days. -Marita

Tom & Esther get married

Tom and Esther were married at her parent’s home in Belmont Township north of Jackson at noon on October 2nd, 1935. Twenty five relatives and friends were invited. The best man was Gaylord Miller and the bridesmaid was Inez Sether. After the ceremony was performed by Rev. A.M. Mannes, a wedding dinner was served by the bride’s mother and assisted by Mrs. Ingman Sether. Tom’s brother Severn took movies and pictures. The bridal party went to the Windom photographer later in the afternoon. Tom and Esther also stopped to see Tom’s mother, Mary, who was in bed at George and Ella Rinkob’s home.

Early that evening the newlyweds left in a Ford Model B (Freel’s car) and drove to the Cataract Hotel in Sioux Falls. The next day they visited Herman Hunters at Humboldt, South Dakota. They continued on their honeymoon – to the Badlands, Black Hills, Cheyenne, Estes Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, Denver, Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods, and Fort Morgan. They stayed in tourist cabins and cooked their own meals. On the way home, they stopped at Sioux City and Tom bought feeder cattle.
Grand Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
Cabin at Kadoca, SD

Esther and Tom arrived home from their ten day honeymoon to a busy fall season of harvesting the corn by hand (with a team of horses on the wagon) and preparing their house and farm buildings for winter. The hired men lived with the newlyweds - Ralph Anderson and Walter Groth - to help with the crops (corn, flax, alfalfa) and livestock (cattle and hogs).

After their marriage, Esther did not teach again. The farm in Enterprise Township that Tom purchased became the center of their life as it was here that they raised a family, grew crops on the rich prairie soils, raised livestock, and involved themselves in their church and the Jackson community.

The old farm house left much to be desired and many of the farm buildings were in poor shape.

Even though the Great Depression lingered on, Tom and Esther were able to purchase things and establish their new home. In November of 1935, they purchased a radio and a wind charger - as there was no electricity yet. Because of the Great Depression everything was very cheap. For example: a wedding ring cost $11 and new flooring for a room cost fifty cents - (prices found in Esther’s daily record books).

Their first Thanksgiving as a married couple was spent in Baraboo, WI, with Severn (Tom’s brother who was a high school math and science teacher), his wife Catherine and their six year old daughter, Corinne. Esther and Tom enjoyed seeing home movies of their October 2nd wedding that Severn had taken.

A bad blizzard arrived on December 24th for the newlywed’s first Christmas. Tom’s brothers and their wives, Freel & Neva and George & Ella and their children, Bud and Lorna, were able to make it to Tom and Esther’s home on December 25th. Ella brought plum pudding (an English Christmas treat enjoyed by the Ringkobs through the years) and they exchanged gifts. On December 26th, Tom and Esther went to Esther’s family’s home to celebrate Christmas with her parents and brothers, Art and Gordon. The temperature was bitter cold, minus 18 degrees.

The winter of 1935-36 was cold and snowy. Roads were often blocked for several days. Once, Tom and Esther were shut in at the farm for two weeks. Temperatures were below zero from January 18 until February 22, 1936 - took a lot of coal to heat the house. They had a cookstove in the kitchen, a heating or coal stove in the dining room, and a hard coal heater in the living room. It was also a real challenge to keep the livestock fed and watered.

1936 was an unusual weather year - very cold and lots of snow and then very hot and dry in the summer that hurt the crops. Tom and Esther kept busy with many projects. They remodeled their old house; added on to the barn, doubled the size; built a silo; moved cattle shed around and onto a foundation; painted all the buildings white; and planted pine trees, elm trees, apple trees and raspberries.

One of the really big changes came to the farm in 1937-1938. The REA (Rural Electric Association) erected poles and strung wires throughout rural Jackson County. They then put one pole in the middle of the Ringkob farm yard (it still stands there today) and everyone in our family called it the “yard light”. The marvel of electricity came and farm life was forever changed. -Marita & Kent

Their little angel in heaven

Mother & Ruth Mary - July 3, 1938
Esther and Tom were so excited when their first child, Ruth Mary, was born at the Jackson hospital at 3:50 pm on June 18, 1938. She weighed 8 pounds and was a beautiful baby girl with dark hair. Tom drove out to Freel and Neva’s farm to share the good news and then went to Esther’s parents for supper before returning to the hospital with red roses for Esther.

On August 17 & 20, 1938, they took Ruth to the doctor as she had been bothered with a cold for a few days. The doctor ordered them to use steam treatment for her cold.
Monday, August 22, was a hot day and Tom and the men were threshing flax. They decided to take Ruth back to the doctor as she was worse. They had Ruth baptized at the Jackson hospital and prepared to take her to Rochester. They left Jackson at 8:15 pm with Ann Vavuska, a nurse, riding along.

They ran into a terrible storm 10 miles out of Rochester. Branches and limbs of large trees were torn off but they drove through it all. They arrived at Saint Mary’s Hospital at 11:30 pm and Dr. Logan was working on Ruth in less than 15 minutes. Dr. Henholz was there by midnight. They tried to relieve the pressure in her head but it was to no avail.

They found a room at about 3 am and Esther was given medication (pain & sleeping pill). The doctor called Tom at about 3:30 am. Dr. Craig tapped her head and relieved pressure. Dr. Logan said they would try to operate 10 am Tuesday. When Tom got there before the scheduled surgery - he was informed they were going to inject air and dye into her head so they could x-ray. X-rays showed there was nothing they could do - as the malignant tumor was intermingled with the brain. Tom and Esther saw her as often as possible the rest of the day - and she passed away at 7 pm, Tuesday, August 23, 1935.

Friends, Alfred and Lela Kruse, came to the hospital as they happened to be visiting relatives in Rochester. Esther and Tom left for home the next morning - taking their precious little daughter’s body in a cardboard box in the back seat of their car to the Krause Funeral Home in Jackson to be prepared for burial and placed in a coffin. Visitation and viewing of the body was held in Tom and Esther’s living room and the funeral services were held at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church on August 25, 1938

On October 2, 1938, Esther and Tom observed their 3rd wedding anniversary. Friends and family helped them cope with their loss. After Ruth Mary’s death, Tom and his two brothers who lived in the Jackson area decided that they wanted their families all to belong to one church. So Tom, Freel, and George were confirmed and joined Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Jackson, Minnesota, on November 18, 1938.

Four babies born in the 1940s

Esther and Tom were thrilled at the arrival of their son, Thomas Paul. He was born the day after Easter, March 25, 1940, at 9:15 am at the Halloran Hospital in Jackson. He had dark hair and eyes and Esther thought he resembled his daddy.
Thomas Paul - 3 months

Little baby Thomas Paul was definitely a “ray of sunshine” in their lives. They bought their first movie camera shortly after his birth. With World War II raging in Europe, they closely followed the news of the war on the radio and in the newspaper. Esther and Tom kept busy on their farm with their crops and livestock - sheep, cattle and hogs. In 1940, they put in a bathroom in the upstairs of their farmhouse, built a machine shed, made improvements on the barn, built a garage, and planted more pine trees and honeysuckle hedge.
July 18-25, 1940, the temperatures were 100 degrees and over every day - during this heat wave, they were threshing oats, barley and flax. One can only imagine how hot it was cooking on an old cook stove for the men. They were thankful to have electricity so they could run a fan to move the air a little. Esther got her first vacuum cleaner in November 1941 - “Magic Air” - wonderful for cleaning.
In early December 1941, Tom and Esther bought a 1942 Ford at Fairmont for $727. They decided to take the new car for a little trip to Humboldt, South Dakota, to visit friends, the Herman Hunters. When they arrived the Hunters informed them that the Japanese had bombed our navy at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The war was escalating. It was during this trip that Esther was feeling queasy and began to wonder if she was pregnant again.

Kent Arthur - 3 months
Kent Arthur was born on August 10, 1942, at 11:58 am, at the Halloran Hospital in Jackson. He was baptized at the church parsonage a month later on September 9th. The next day, Esther’s brother, Art Hansen, reported to Fort Snelling for military service. This was a difficult time for families as loved ones left for military service. Sugar, gas and coffee were being rationed to support the war effort.

Kent Arthur was a good natured baby and smiled easily. Tom and Esther were so thankful to have two healthy sons. They kept very busy on the farm with their crops plus lots of livestock chores - cattle, sheep and hogs. 1942 was the year that they planted the evergreen grove - a protection from cold winter winds, a beautiful addition to the farmstead, and many wonderful memories of cutting the family Christmas tree from our grove. Esther had over 1000 chickens and a large garden. Esther was also happy to get an General Electric stove ($172) to replace the old cookstove. She made good use of the new stove as she prepared meals for the family and hired men - plus canning produce from the garden. She also did frequent entertaining by inviting relatives and friends for a home-cooked meal.
As the war continued, Esther and Tom supported it by buying war bonds, collecting money for Red Cross, and writing letters to loved ones in the military. Esther’s brother, Art Hansen, was married on September 4, 1943, to Ruth Larson from Jackson in Savannah, Georgia, where he was in the US Army’s officer training program. Esther’s other brother, Gordon, was married earlier in the year on March 21, 1943 to Grace Sether. Gordon and Grace began farming north of Jackson after they were married.
In October 1944 and again in January 1945, Tom was very sick and in the Mt. Lake hospital with pneumonia. Luckily, the relatively new antibiotic, sulfa, was effective in treating him. The doctor in Jackson was serving in the military, so the family sought health care in Mt. Lake.
On a beautiful day, June 23, 1945, Kathleen Esther was born at the Bethel Hospital in Mt. Lake. Esther said that of her five birthing experiences, Kathleen was the easiest delivery and she really appreciated the good care of the Mennonite nurses at the hospital.
Kathleen Esther - 3 months

Esther’s sister-in-law, Ruth Hansen, and her young son, Arthur Jr., lived with the Ringkobs for six weeks in May and June of 1945. Ruth’s husband, Art, was an officer in the US Army and he was serving in Asia. VJ Day was declared on August 14, 1945 - World War II was over. The official proclamation was at 6 pm and they went to Jackson that evening to celebrate. The following Sunday was Peace Sunday and observed in all the churches. Art came home from his military service in November 1945. He and Ruth started farming in Belmont Township and it was at this time that Esther’s parents moved to town - a house on Park St. in Jackson.
1949 was the Centennial of Minnesota as a territory. Tom and Esther resurrected a covered wagon using wooden bows used by Grandparents Rawle (Tom’s maternal grandparents) in 1877, when they came to Jackson County from Hastings. Esther made long centennial dresses and sunbonnets for herself and Kathleen. The covered wagon with Tom and the children inside the wagon was in parades at Jackson (5/28/49), Trimont (6/23), Fairmont (7/4), and Tracy (9/15). Esther did not ride in the covered wagon but assumed her role as the family photographer!
On October 14th, the “Big Blow” with winds clocked at 82 mi/hr at the airport flattened ripe corn in the fields and the ears dropped to the ground, part of the barn roof came loose, and several windows were broken. The men and boys kept busy picking up corn in the fields and repairing the buildings.
Kent, Tom, & Kathy (1946)
Marita Kay was born on November 11, 1949, at the Halloran Hospital in Jackson. Esther was very sick at this time with gall bladder problems. Kathleen was heard to say that she wanted her mother to come home from the hospital but they could leave the new baby there! But they did bring Marita home and Tom & Esther’s old farmhouse was filled with 4 children plus Harris Danielson, the hired man. -Marita

Marita Kay - 3 months

Kathy, Kent, Marita, & Tom (1950)

Tom & Kent (1943)
The 49’ers - Ford car, covered wagon in parade, & Marita born
Marita, Tom, Kent, & Kathy (1950)

Going to church

Esther and her family (the Hansens) had always been Lutheran since they were of Danish-Swedish heritage. Esther was baptized, confirmed, and went to Sunday school at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Jackson.
Before she was married, Esther said her family’s attendance was somewhat irregular because of several reasons: 1. Lots of chores - they milked; 2. Bad roads; 3. Every 4th Sunday the service was in Norwegian.
 Later on their attendance was quite regular.
 Tom grew up north of Alpha and his church participation was very minimal. The Ringkob family belonged to the Presbyterian Church. Tom attended some Sunday school at the nearby Town hall where he probably walked. 
 Esther and Tom were married at her parents’ home. (Common practice in those days.) After their marriage Esther belonged to Our Saviors Lutheran Church, but Tom did not.
Our Saviors Lutheran Church - Jackson, MN
It was the tragic death of their first child, Ruth Mary, which changed everything. The support of the people at Our Saviors Lutheran Church comforted them in their time of grieving. Tom took the lead to have him and his brothers, Freel and George, join the Lutheran Church. They all took confirmation and joined the Lutheran Church. From this point on “Going to Church” was a very important part of our family life.

OSLC Altar

Cradle Roll Graduation - Marita
A couple years later, Rev. Mannis had given a rather long sermon on a hot summer day. At the end of the sermon he said “Shall we pray?” Kent who was about two years old and had been playing in the pew stood up and said in a very loud, clear voice- “NO!” Esther was mortified. Many in the congregation agreed the service was getting a bit long! 
 One of the things they did at “OSLC” was to have “cradle roll”. This was mainly where mothers brought their babies and had their pictures taken as a large group. Remember, there were lots of babies…after all these were the “baby boomers”.

After Esther was married, she never taught school again. But, it was at our church that she often used her teaching skills and intellect. She often taught Bible studies at circle, adult Sunday school, Bible school in the summer.
 Women have a need to be with other women to have a chance to talk, share their feelings, etc. In the days before most women were in the work force, church often met those needs. At least once a week, Esther left the farm in the car and went to circle, mission, club, etc. It somewhat defined her weekly schedule. Of course she also took care of her children, did household chores (before modern appliances), gardened, helped with some of the farm work, sewed clothing, etc. All in all, it was a good life. She was raising a nice family and found satisfaction in the other activities in her life. 
 “Going to Church” was important to the whole family. Tom went to men’s brotherhood. All the children went to Sunday school, and we all went to confirmation and were confirmed in front of the church wearing a white robe and red corsage on a Sunday in May. Church was a big deal!

Confirmation - Kathy (1960)

There was Bible school in early June and Bible camp at Lake Shetek and Mount Carmel. We spent a lot of time with the kids in our school class that also went to Our Saviors Lutheran Church. The Luther league met at the church on Sunday evenings.

Kathy and Marita were both married at OSLC. Their wedding receptions were held in the basement of the old church. In the late 1970’s a decision was made by the congregation to build a new church. Construction soon began on the new building. Esther, the historian, recorded much of this with her camera. She put together a photographic display of the old church building.

Going to Bible Camp - Kent & Tommy (1954)

New Our Saviors Lutheran Church
The old church that had been built by the families from Scandinavia finally was torn down. It had been built with dark red brick and had a traditional interior. With the old church went many fond memories. Memories of special events such as: baptisms, confirmations, weddings, funerals, Christmas programs and also of the pastors who led the congregation.

One of my best memories was going down the steps of the old church to a potluck dinner and smelling all of the good food the women in the kitchen were busy preparing. And who can forget the staple of Minnesota Lutheran church potluck dinners—“JELL-O salad”. There was orange jell-o with grated carrots, green jell-o with sliced pears, purple jell-o with grapes. You get the picture…potlucks gave the women of the church the opportunity to be creative!
 “Going to Church” was a very important to our family. It meant being together with other people from our community. The church gave us strength to survive the tough times, and also learn of eternal life given to us by our Lord and Savior—Jesus Christ. -Kent
Cradle Roll 1951

The Ringkob family home before 1955

We lived in an old farm house that Mom and Dad had lived together in since their marriage in 1935. They had done a lot of remodeling and decorating so it was a very comfortable home. We have good memories of living there on the farm in southern Minnesota.
Shot from the top of the windmill (1948)

The main rooms were the “porch” and the kitchen across the front of the first floor. The family room was an enclosed porch that had knotty pine walls and lots of windows. But it was always called the porch. It was our main play area with a big green wooden toy box in the corner. Along the south wall was a gate-legged table with one leaf raised where the current newspapers and magazines were kept. We received three daily newspapers - the St. Paul Pioneer Press, the Fairmont Sentinel, and the Worthington Daily Globe. Also we received the weekly Jackson County Pilot and the Jackson Livewire. (At age 98 Mom still subscribes to the Worthington Globe and the Jackson County Pilot.) They would come in the US mail a day late, but it didn’t matter. We kids would spread the newspapers out on the floor when we were little so we could read the comics. An early favorite was “Peanuts” in the St. Paul Pioneer Press which Marita especially liked.

On one side of the table was “Mom’s chair” for sitting and reading. But I don’t remember seeing her sit there very much. She seemed to always to be on the go fixing meals (including lunches for mid-afternoon), gardening, mending clothes, doing the wash and ironing, running errands for Dad, and so on. On the other side of the table was Dad’s chair which was an old mission oak rocking chair with a leather seat. Dad would sit there and read in the evening. After noon dinner he sometimes would sneak in a little cat nap in that same chair. He could sleep sitting up really well.

Behind Dad’s chair was a reddish-brown wooden deco style desk where business papers were kept. Over it hung the big old telephone in a wooden case with a hand crank on the right side to ring up the operator at “central”. Mom would hold the ear piece up that was attached with a long black cord to the wooden case and speak into the trumpet shaped mouth piece. With her other hand she would turn the crank to call the operator. The operator would say “Operator. Number please.” Mom would say the number like “114J”, Grandma Hansen’s number (ours was 404M). The operator would either say “Thank you” or “The line is busy.” On Christmas day the operator would greet us with “Merry Christmas! Number please.” We were on a party line. Our ring was “one long” and our neighbor’s ring was “two shorts”. Sometimes we picked up the phone to call someone and instead would overhear some interesting conversations a neighbor was having. If you listened on purpose, it was called “rubbering”. The neighbors were all quite familiar with each other’s voices and business.

Mom didn’t have lot of time to talk on the phone, but it made a nice break in the work day for her. She and Grandma Hansen especially enjoyed visiting. I mentioned to my Mom once that it was strange that Grandma would not say goodbye when she was done talking, but would just hang up. Mom said Grandma didn’t like to say goodbye.

Grandma also liked to leave the little kids‘ fingerprints on her French Doors in her house. She loved her family, especially the little ones.

On the wall opposite the the windows was thumbtacked a big map of the United States from the National Geographic magazine. We would plan trips and look up the locations of various places we heard of in the news. (Kathy still often pulls out her atlas to look up locations of news events and places people are traveling to.) At Christmas time the kids’ stockings (one of the stockings we wore; not a fancy decorated one) would be thumbtacked to this same wall. We would get a coin in it.

In the back corner was a hall tree that held our good coats. Sometimes it would come crashing to the floor when it got overloaded or unbalanced. In front of it was a red leather modern style chair with a curving chrome frame. Over in the play area was a childrens’ little oak table and two chairs with red stars stenciled on it (WWII theme). Kathy remembers sitting on one of those chairs and doing her first hand sewing. She accidentally stitched the piece of fabric to her corduroy pants and was quite distressed! Everyone else thought it was funny.

The kitchen was a combination of kitchen, family dining, laundry area with a washing machine (dryer was in the formal dining room), and a small crib in the corner for little sister Marita. At times the kitchen also held an electric Free Westinghouse sewing machine in a wooden cabinet. The family radio sat on a counter in the back corner by the refrigerator. In those days there was only AM, but it was our link to the outside world along with the newspapers. We would pull up chairs around the radio and listen to the news, weather and markets (“quiet everyone”), political conventions, ball games, and various programs like Arthur Godfrey. There was linoleum on the floors and Kathy got to roller skate in the kitchen and porch.

A lot of dishes were washed in the big farm sink. In the early 1950‘s Dad bought Mom an automatic dishwasher that was installed in the counter beside the sink. From then on we listened to the comforting sound of the dishwasher as it ran each night while we did our homework around the kitchen table. That same dishwasher was moved to the new house they built in 1955. The sink was also used to hold a big wash pan for a Saturday night bath for the little kids. At other times the women in the house washed their hair by bending over a smaller pan of water in this sink.

The white wooden kitchen table with its slick oilcloth tablecloth had numerous functions too. We ate 3 meals a day and numerous snacks (called “lunch” on the farm). Our three meals were breakfast, dinner, and supper. Around the table were the kitchen chairs which were a mixture of dark wooden chairs that our Ringkob grandparents once owned and white wooden chairs that matched the table. There was also a wooden youth chair with longer legs that the youngest kid would sit on. Mom and Dad would sit by the table after supper and have a cup of tea (one of them usually had the cracked “singing” tea cup) while planning the farm business. Marita preferred tea to milk. One time when we older kids were babysitting her, we fooled her into drinking her milk by pouring it out of a tea pot (brother Tom’s idea). Another favorite of Marita’s was sugar sandwiches. Mom always figured out when Marita made those because the telltale gritty sugar would be all over the table and floor. Marita would flash her big dimples at Mom and say that the sugar sandwiches tasted “awsol good”.

Dying Easter eggs

Mom used the table as her business desk and kept meticulous records over the years. All the records were in her beautiful cursive handwriting. When she took teacher’s training in normal school, she had to learn and practice the Palmer method. In addition to doing homework at this table, the kids would do projects and play games. The table was also used as a work area to clean chickens (farm kids knew what hearts, gizzards, and livers looked like) and can food. Sewing projects started on the table as kitchen knives were used as paper weights to hold the paper patterns on the fabric as it was cut out. Another time a basket of newborn kittens that the kids had found in the barn were dumped on the table. That did not please Mom as she did not like pets in the house.
The other two rooms on the main floor were the living room and the dining room. The living room had a piano that Mom had bought while teaching back in the early 1930’s. All four kids took piano lessons. Occasionally Mom would sit down and play some pieces that she had memorized. She had a good sense of rhythm and played well. The song she played the most was about drifting down the Ohio River. She had a lot of old piano music - both sheet music and Etude magazines. She also had her mother’s old sheet music from the late 1800’s for the “pianoforte”. A couple favorites were “Silvery Waves” and “Rustic Dance”. Her granddaughter Julie Rouse now plays both of those songs. Julie played “Rustic Dance” at her cousin Keri Brusven’s wedding in 2006.
Kathy & Mrs. Grottum- Piano lessons (1958)

The Christmas tree each year would be put up in the living room. From our grove of Colorado blue spruce trees we would cut a fresh tree. Under the tree would be piled our Christmas gifts. We kids would separate them into individual piles so we could see how many gifts everyone was getting. Our favorite Christmas lights were the bubble lights which we would tap to get them bubbling. Usually the tree was part of a double tree and consequently there would be many more branches on one side. To keep the tree from falling over we would put some heavy book like an encyclopedia on the other side of the Christmas tree stand. One Christmas when our Hansen cousins were visiting, little cousin Bobby crawled under the tree to pull out the encyclopedia to read. And the tree came crashing down! No one was hurt, but it made for a lot of excitement.
Christmas (1952)

The dining room had a heavy dark wooden ornately carved table, chairs, buffet, and dish cupboard with the tall glass front. In our house we also had a modern clothes dryer and a crib for kids to take their afternoon naps in this room. This was the room we walked through to reach the stairs to go upstairs.

On the second floor there were three bedrooms with a bathroom in the corner of the master bedroom. In the far corner was a very nice crib with sides that slid shut. It had the bunny rabbit quilt that Grandma Hansen had made. On the other side of Mom and Dad’s double bed was a large bassinet for the newest baby.
The south bedroom had nice flowered blue wallpaper that was eventually going to be the girls’ bedroom. This was the bedroom that the boys slept in. The other bedroom where the hired man slept was going to be the boys’ room and had “cowboy and Indian” wallpaper. But Kathy ended up in there after the hired man left. The switch of rooms was never made as Mom and Dad decided to build a new house instead in 1955.
The basement was an old time cellar with two different levels of concrete floor. In the stair well on the right side were nails and hooks to hang our “everyday” coats and snowpants (overalls). Our heavy winter coats had high sheepskin collars that kept one very warm and gave you a stiff neck. On the edge of the wooden steps near the bottom of the stairs was attached a milk separator to process the milk we got from our cow. And then Mom would pasteurize it in a special appliance that sat on the kitchen counter.

The basement was used a lot. There was a huge old furnace that burned heating oil. A small bathroom with very old fixtures was on the far wall. I think that was the bathroom that the hired man used. Another wall had a wooden bench which held the big cardboard box that we packed the fresh eggs into to sell to the egg man. Packing the eggs was a good job for the kids. Little kids held one egg in each hand, a little older and you held two eggs in each hand, and those with the big hands could pack six eggs at a time. We were always counting the eggs; both when gathering them in the chicken house and when packing them into the big egg carton. “Even number plus even number = even numbers; even number plus odd number = odd numbers.” Math skills were an important part of farming.

Across the back of the cellar were wooden shelves to hold all the canned goods. Then we got a “Deep Freeze” chest freezer that sat near the shelves. From then on Mom froze more foods than she canned. We always had ice cream in the freezer. We kids would help by running up and down the steps to bring up canned or frozen foods for meals. Brother Tom loved ice cream and would slip down to the freezer with a spoon and a dish to get some ice cream in the middle of the afternoon.

Before we bought a modern washing machine and dryer, Mom washed our clothes in an old Maytag wringer washer in the middle of the basement. There were two adjoining metal tubs to soak and wash the dirty clothes. It was quite a production to watch. The washed clothes were then carried upstairs in bushel baskets with special oilcloth liners. In good weather the clothes were hung outside on the clothes line with wood clothes pins to hold them on the line. The socks were hung on a nearby woven wire fence. The clothes would usually dry in an hour or two. If it started raining when they were out on the lines, we would have to hustle to get them down so they wouldn’t get wet again. After we got them into the house, the laundry would have to be prepared to be ironed. We would sprinkle them with water from an old pop bottle that had a special sprinkler attachment on top. Then they would be wrapped up tightly to wait to be ironed. The ironing had to be done in the next day so the laundry wouldn’t get mildewy. We didn’t get to wear a different outfit every day when there was that much work to launder clothes. (Mom said when she was little, kids only had two outfits; an everyday set and a dressy set.) In the winter time laundry would be dried on wooden racks in the house.

At the front of the house was a stoop which consisted of a little roof over a deep concrete step. It was the perfect spot to sit and watch a gentle rain. On the windows were glass storm windows in the winter and screen windows in the summer. These windows had to be changed in the spring and fall.

In 1955 Mom and Dad had a new house built beside our old house. It was a most fascinating year as we got to watch every step of the carpenters building it. After Christmas was the best part of the whole adventure when we moved into our new house. We even put planks between the two upstairs and carried stuff across. Then Dad did some wheeling and dealing. He traded our old house for a new green Ford pickup! The old house was jacked up and moved 12 miles away to Sherburn, Minnesota, where it is still a home 55 years later.


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